The Democrats Are Destroying Their Brand With False Narratives

The Democratic Party’s slogan for the 2018 midterms shouldn’t be the “Better Deal: Better Jobs, Better Wages, Better Future” bit they ripped from Papa John’s. That’s blatant false advertising. It’s like McDonald’s renaming their Big Mac the McHealthy Diet Burger. The 2018 midterms are almost upon us, and the Democrats need a slogan that really captures who they are. Something like, “Repent: The End is Near.” And instead of going door to door, their canvassers could walk up and down the street wearing sandwich boards bearing the new slogan. It’s prefect because that’s what the Democratic party has become — the party of apocalyptic rhetoric. The party of “disagreeing with us is the end of democracy.”

  • Green Party nominee Jill Stein making as much “history” as Hillary Clinton…and her “third party” challenge could be more important than the Libertarian ticket this year?!?  I could see her successfully fundraising amongst RepublicansJ See POLITICO article here.
  • Trump Campaign Manager Corey Lewandowski is OUT!  Just when the campaign needs some experienced hands…he follows former RNC Political Director Rick Wiley who “departed” earlier.  Shake up continues.
  • Delegates looking for an “alternative” to the “presumptive nominee” continue to organize and prepare for a “conscious amendment” to the RNC Convention Rules.  See
  • “Unbound” NOW available for download FREE. Written by RNC Member Curly Haugland and attorney Sean Parnell. They make a solid case for what will prove to be an interesting argument that ALL delegates to the National Convention are “unbound” once the gavel comes down if no rules are changed. Download here.